Kamal’s Dasavatharam movie has incredible box office run. In US at the end of third week dasavatharam movie has grossed incredible box office collection of $14,683,762. However the collection doesn’t include collection from North America also few places in India. People have now understood the story better after knowing the butterfly effect and chaos theory. In Chennai city alone the collection is grossed Rs 6.5 crores without including the suburban.
Weekend: June 20 - 22, 2008.
* Mere Baap Pehle Aap [last weekend: No. 13, this weekend: No. 18]: In its second weekend, the film has collected £ 53,295 on 30 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 1,777. Total: £ 2,06,272 [approx. Rs. 1.74 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 12,684; Saturday: £ 23,987; Sunday: £ 16,624.
* Dasavatharam [Tamil film; last weekend: No. 12, this weekend: No. 19]: In its second weekend, the film has collected £ 44,703 on 19 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 2,353. Total: £ 2,16,031 [approx. Rs. 1.82 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 9,777; Saturday: £ 18,325; Sunday: £ 16,601.
* Sarkar Raj [last weekend: No. 15, this weekend: No. 23]: In its third weekend, the film has collected £ 15,715 on 26 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 604. Total: £ 3,70,729 [approx. Rs. 3.12 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 3,038; Saturday: £ 6,610; Sunday: £ 6,067.
* De Taali has debuted at No. 25 position. In its opening weekend, the film has collected £ 10,264 [approx. Rs. 8.64 lacs] on 7 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 1,466.
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 2,674; Saturday: £ 4,247; Sunday: £ 3,343.
[Based on screen averages]
Weekend: June 20 - 22, 2008.
* Mere Baap Pehle Aap [last weekend: No. 13, this weekend: No. 18]: In its second weekend, the film has collected £ 53,295 on 30 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 1,777. Total: £ 2,06,272 [approx. Rs. 1.74 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 12,684; Saturday: £ 23,987; Sunday: £ 16,624.
* Dasavatharam [Tamil film; last weekend: No. 12, this weekend: No. 19]: In its second weekend, the film has collected £ 44,703 on 19 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 2,353. Total: £ 2,16,031 [approx. Rs. 1.82 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 9,777; Saturday: £ 18,325; Sunday: £ 16,601.
* Sarkar Raj [last weekend: No. 15, this weekend: No. 23]: In its third weekend, the film has collected £ 15,715 on 26 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 604. Total: £ 3,70,729 [approx. Rs. 3.12 crores].
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 3,038; Saturday: £ 6,610; Sunday: £ 6,067.
* De Taali has debuted at No. 25 position. In its opening weekend, the film has collected £ 10,264 [approx. Rs. 8.64 lacs] on 7 screens, with the per screen average working out to £ 1,466.
The breakdown:- Friday: £ 2,674; Saturday: £ 4,247; Sunday: £ 3,343.
[Based on screen averages]
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